Probie Fire Wife

My hubby has been in probie fire school for 3 full weeks now. I know it’s hard on him, he’s coming home completely exhausted looking for a decent meal, a hot shower and bed. I knew it would be hard on him and I knew it wouldn’t be easy for me. I work a full time job that requires regular unscheduled overtime and even though I try not to, I often take my work home with me. Having the lives of over 100 animals rest on your shoulders is no small task. In addition, we have a happy, healthy, nine month old little girl who is on the verge of crawling any day now. We have 1 dog and 2 cats, and a foster dog with her 3 puppies.
Therefore, in order to ensure he can study and rest as much as possible while not at The Rock, I cook and clean and take care of our daughter and small zoo. This also includes laundry and ironing every night. Keep in mind I didn’t even OWN an iron until the night before he started school.
As the weeks progress, we have found a rhythm and I am slowly finding ways to better manage my time. (Which is obvious as I am making time to blog)
I believe Probie School is a great way to introduce these men (and women) to the struggles their new career will present along with the training and knowledge at how to do their job. It’s fantastic. But what about the wives, girlfriends, significant others of those soon to be firefighters? We should have a fire wife bootcamp of sorts too, don’t you think? This is a whole new world for us, and some more than others.
Curriculum Outline:
~ Preparing for The Academy
~ How To Be a Part Time Single Parent
~ Things that Go Bump in the Night (only when he is on shift)
~ How to fix the Toilet 101
~ Welcome to the Family, the Fire Family
~ How to Cope With Stress
~ How to Be Supportive
~ Fire Lingo 101

I’m sure I could think of 100 more topics. Feel free to add to them! I am however VERY thankful for finding this little support group online, full of great blogs and a facebook group full of information and encouragement from fire wives all over the world. These girls have so much knowledge to share and words of support for nearly anything you can think of!